New Avenues for Youth
The Joyce N. Furman Building
1220 SW Columbia Street
Portland, OR 97201
Ph: (503) 224-4339
Fx: (503) 224-3653
About Us
New Avenues for Youth was established in 1997 by local business and community leaders in response to the growing needs of homeless and at-risk youth in downtown Portland. Our founders believed that every young person should have food, shelter, and access to education and job training and that we must go beyond meeting those basic needs by offering programs that heal young lives and nurture growth and independence. Since 1997, we have impacted the lives of more than 20,000 individuals through a range of services that address basic needs & safety, provide opportunities for education & career, and help youth achieve self-sufficiency. Our mission is to work in partnership with our community to prevent youth homelessness and provide homeless and at-risk young people with the resources and skills needed to lead healthy, productive lives.

Meals, hygiene, and respite from the streets
Our Drop-In Day Services Center provides a safe place where youth can receive three meals a day, six days a week, as well as access to showers, hygiene products, clothing, laundry, computers and internet, free legal counsel, and monthly veterinary clinics for those with pets. We also offer activities focused on fitness, skill-building, recreation, and self-empowerment to support youth as they begin a transition from street life.